Recording (For narrators) | POLYGLOTS レシピー(ポリグロッツ) | 続かない英語学習は終わりにしよう。好きを学びに。


Recording (For narrators)

Recording (For narrators)

Customize Category

Customize Category

Customize Category

Customize Category

Let the screen scroll a bit and tap the pause button. Set WPM to 145.

Customize Category

Customize Category

Customize Category

Recording will start. Release pause, then start your narration.

Customize Category

tipsYou can pause recording whenever you like.
*For iOS, Android7.0 or later only

Customize Category

Customize Category

Customize Category

Customize Category

Customize Category

Your narration will be published to users.

Customize Category

If you wish to record again, you can do it by tapping “Record” again.


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